Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Day 1

So today marks day one of officially quitting smoking. I know, amazing isn't it. Never thought of myself as a quitter, but I'm tired of hacking and wheezing, and being told by many a woman that "You'd be so much more attractive if you weren't a smoker." Fucking hell in a box of shit! I can't do anything anymore. Well, whatever, doesn't matter. It's about time anyway, 19 years of sucking down smoke has finally reached it's point of unimportance. So, along with that I got that reading coming up and I want to be somewhat on the calm side when it does, it's gonna be strange, but that's life right? Strange is good, at least it's not boring. And I don't need a cigarette to enjoy it, strange is good for everyone, right? Yeah, maybe. Anyway, more to come later. Much to talk about.


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