Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Story of Brothas


I'm finally not the only brotha in the country that hasn't seen The Boondocks, best damn show on tv! I bought the DVD set yesterday. Check it out, learn ya culture...oh wait, after taking a quick look at my constituency here, well, um...oh yeah, there's white folks on the show too, so it's cool. Anyway, check out The Boondocks, best damn show on tv! But don't go emulating, or tryin' to be a hater. No, no, can't have that.

My big brother and his wife flies in from Chicago tomorrow. I will probably be offline for the majority of their visit, maybe, I'm hooked on the innerwebnets so it's hard to stay away from The Wiki and downloadable content. But I do have a plan for when they get here, the traps are set out front and my kung fu is strong and at the ready. I've been waiting a long time for a rematch from a battle with the Big Bro from a couple of years ago that I lost horribly; he out weighs me by about 200lbs and caught me off gaurd by throwing a little white kid at me when we were in the Mall, I was shopping for low top Chuck Taylors at the time. The kid fell on me, he had ice cream (neopolitan if I remember correctly), and it got all over my fresh suit. War was declared at that moment and I took it to him, could have had him too if he hadn't have got me with a metal chair in the shin section and a chop to the adam's apple. He always told me to "hit em' low when you get the shot, or else it's yo ass boy!" At least the bastard carried me back to the car. Where the hell was security? Checking out the young babies in the fucking Wilson's Leather store. Damn rent-a-cops!

By taking his adivce, I've placed 3 beartraps around the front door of my fortified compound on The Hill, I have smoke bombs, barbed wire, nunchucks, and my trusty Katana in case it gets rough (we don't use guns, they're for sissys). And a metal chair, just like the one he clocked me with. Hit em' low? ya damn right.


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