Monday, March 27, 2006

This can't be right...Something. Is. Happenning.

I've been at the evil asylum, the place where sanity vanishes, the house for the damned, the anger station, (or what most people call it) the day job, for about an hour and a half now, and I'm already bored with the innerwebnets. Something is terribly wrong. I'm not usually bored until at least 3 or 4 pm.
I'll have to look into this, I'm not ready to go back to reading books at my desk, but then again, A Scanner Darkly is online; I could read that and get weird and trippy while sipping free rocket fueled coffee at my liesure. Maybe I'll do that. I'll return after my second personality seeps in and makes an apperance. Ah, Substance D...


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